Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" in /jykim74/www/user_reg.php on line 19 JayKim's PKI Tools
BerEditor CertMan CryptokiMan License Issuence
Required values for license request are email and program
The license key value will be sent to the email address you entered. Please check the email you entered after requesting.
After checking the email, enter the email and key value in the license information of the tool to use all functions.

Even if you have already issued a license and it expires, you can still get it again (please use it a lot^^)
Since it was created as a side project, the programs are not code signed due to cost, but it is not a malware program.
The email address you enter is used only for license issuance information and will not be used for any other purpose.

Name Input value [ How to apply for a license ]
* Email Email address is required
* Program Please select an issuance program
Password You will need it to retrieve the issuing key again.
Nickname Email name or nickname
Please give us your usage information or feedback. Helpful for development Please leave a note